In this issue Ivan de Klasz finishes with Part 2 of A Tear for Somalia, what n experience it must have been to hunt there, while Ed Ostrosky hunts buffalo with the famous Askins in Rhodesia (Now Zimbabwe). Do not underestimate the Gnu, tells john Coleman us in Nasty Gnu and Arnuld Engelbrecht shares yet another of his heart stories with us in Hluhluwe, a gift from God about the monster nyala. Jason van Aarde makes no secret of his love for the .550 Magnum and Retief Kruger gives us some background on the .450 Rigby. Danie Geel hunts his old man giraffe bull with bow and Chris Bekker shares a very valuable article with us with relevant info for all our reloaders: Bullet seating depth and its effect on accuracy..
March/April 2020 Digital